OSI Digital Grid Management

Leading solutions for real-time control and optimization of complex power networks. Reliably, securely and efficiently operate the grid while integrating new green energy sources for a reduced carbon footprint.

Modern Solutions for Generation, Transmission and Distribution Management

City of Grand Island, Nebraska Reduces Overhead Costs Using Digital, Subscription-Based OMS Application

DERMS: Maximizing the Value of Distributed Resources

Utility providers face intense changes during the energy transition. Distributed energy resource management systems (DERMS) offer a solution and pathway to significant value. Harnessing distributed energy resources (DERs) makes your operation more efficient by:

  • Maximizing variable renewable generation
  • Managing the bi-directional power flows
  • Delivering value by providing an enterprise-wide solution

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Achieve Reliable, Secure and Efficient Operations

Operate through modern, high-performance solutions for real-time control and optimization of power networks.

Improve Situational Awareness to Drive Desired Outcomes

Provide timely and reliable data about power system conditions and outages to face increasing demands and expectations from customers, regulators and public officials.

Security for Critical Infrastructure Protection

Real-time control systems for remote monitoring and control when delivering essential services such as electricity, natural gas, water and transportation.

Easily Respond to Evolving Requirements

Leverage a flexible platform with ease of system administration, engineering and upgrades, with an award-winning graphical user interface that facilitates integration with IT requirements.