Case Study

혁신을 위한 패스트 트랙: 신제품 개발 시간 및 비용 절감

Qenos 사가 Aspen Plus®의 회분식 모델링을 어떻게 자사의 공정에 적용하여 변화하는 고객의 요구에 맞춰 플랜트 검증 단계를 최소화하고, 고객 맞춤형 제품을 신속하게 시장에 공급할 수 있었는지 실제 사례를 소개합니다.

Case Study

Refinería optimiza tren de destilados medios en tiempo real con Aspen GDOT™

Aprenda cómo una de las compañías de energía multinacionales más grandes del mundo uso Aspen GDOT en una de sus refinerías para maximizar la producción de diésel especifico y de jet. Al usar optimización en tiempo real a través múltiples unidades de APC, la refinería fue capaz de reducir en un 70% el regalo de azufre. Descargue este caso de estudio para conocer cómo puede optimizar su producción y reducir el regalo de calidad de su producto.

Case Study

Refinery Optimizes Middle Distillate System in Real Time with Aspen GDOT™

Learn how one of world’s largest multinational energy companies used Aspen GDOT to maximize production of specific diesel and jet fuel products at one of its refineries. By using real-time optimization across multiple APC units, the refinery was able to decrease sulfur giveaway by 70%. Download this case study to learn how you can optimize production and reduce product giveaway.

Case Study


了解凯诺斯公司如何借助Aspen Plus®间歇模拟,获得关于流程的宝贵见解,从而减少工厂试验和实验,保证流程响应不断变化的客户需求。


Aspen Unified, a próxima geração em planejamento e programação

Aspen Unified reúne planejamento e programação em um só ambiente para melhorar a tomada de decisões e obter margens mais altas. Descubra como você pode automatizar tarefas rotineiras, como reconciliar com dados reais da planta, visualizar resultados, criar conjuntos de casos e criar o primeiro cronograma viável, economizando centenas de horas de trabalho por ano.


Culture Reimagined: How Pharmaceutical Firms Can Use Data and AI with Confidence

Pharma and biotech companies face a pivotal next step in addressing the increased complexity of production while balancing mounting cost pressures with the need to ensure product quality, security of supply and regulatory compliance. Findings from AspenTech® and Longitude’s recent market survey revealed that digital culture and technology adoption provide a competitive edge – but adoption is slow.


Environmental & Safety Analysis - Application Overview

Using AspenTech’s solutions for Environmental and Safety Analyses, engineers are empowered to reduce emissions and mitigate incidents. With aspenONE Engineering, harness the power of greenhouse gas tracking & overpressure protection in a design environment trusted for its accuracy. With this view, intuitively assess new process designs, over pressure analysis, and Greenhouse gas emissions with Utility costs & usage. Watch now to learn more.



Aspen Mtell is a prescriptive maintenance solution that uses Agents to recognize asset failures earlier and with greater accuracy. Learn what an Agent is, what they do, how they are created, and how they work—to Safeguard equipment, people, and the environment.

Self-Guided Demo

Jump Start Guide to using Aspen Shell & Tube Exchanger

Aspen Exchanger Design and Rating (EDR) enables you to find the optimal design for your heat exchanger needs based on cost. The seamless integration between the thermal and mechanical design tools of Aspen EDR and process simulation tools from AspenTech enables analysis of several different alternatives before presenting you with the most optimal design. Use this tutorial to get started using Aspen Shell & Tube Exchanger to create, evaluate, and save designs.


Heat Exchanger Design - Application Overview

Robust heat exchangers designed and delivered on time and on budget are vital for the success of engineering projects. AspenTech offers an integrated design workflow that supports every major type of heat exchanger. The seamless integration between its solutions for process design and the thermal and mechanical design of heat exchangers reduces design time. Learn more.

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