
Digital Technologies That Are Transforming the Process Industries

This blog is the first in a series focusing on those digital technologies that are helping provide the process industries with more efficient, safer, profitable and sustainable operations.


Accelerate Your Knowledge Delivery With Aspen eLearning!

As changing business conditions and an evolving workforce challenge companies in the process industries, AspenTech is working to meet their diverse training needs.

Aspen Capital Cost Estimator Online Trials

Accelerate project execution by using volumetric models and one common costing method from conceptual to detailed engineering, leveraging the speed and agility of the market-leading cost estimation solution.


Acerca de AspenTech

La misión de AspenTech es acelerar la transformación digital de las industrias a las que servimos optimizando sus activos para que funcionen de manera más segura, ecológica, prolongada y rápida.


Ensuring Customer Success

Learn about AspenTech's 3 keys to a successful customer relationship: trust, effective communication and customer focus. We're shaping the strategies for our solutions around the value we deliver and the problems that we help our customers solve.


Cómo la IA con aplicación en industria le ayudará a formar su futuro

Definir su futuro significa construir sobre el pasado. El mundo está en constante cambio y AspenTech tiene la experiencia para prepararlo para el futuro. Lo ayudaremos a alcanzar nuevos niveles de confiabilidad, eficiencia y agilidad aprovechando el poder de la inteligencia artificial para ejecutar sus operaciones de manera más segura, ecológica, prolongada y rápida. Su futuro comienza ahora. Mire este video para saber AspenTech le ayudará a dar el siguiente paso hacia el futuro.




Case Study

Pan Pacific Relies on Process Modeling to Optimize Algae-to-Biofuel Conversion (Aspen Plus)

Pan Pacific Technologies was seeking a rigorous approach to validate the technical and economic feasibility of its proprietary algal conversion concepts. Through innovative use of Aspen Plus and Aspen Process Economic Analyzer, they developed successful technical and economic models with applications in both academia and industry.

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