
Let's Come Together for OPTIMIZE 2021

AspenTech CEO Antonio Pietri sits down with VP Programs Denise Staubach to talk OPTIMIZE 2021, Industrial AI, sustainability and the Self-Optimizing Plant.

On-Demand Webinar

How Petrocuyo Projects a 60% Reduction in Downstream Treatment Costs

Reprocessing off-spec product is a common, yet costly practice for companies as it uses up materials and increases production time. With first-time, on-spec quality at an unacceptably low level, Petrocuyo, an Argentinian polypropylene producer, turned to the multivariate analytics of Aspen ProMV™ to solve this issue.


What's a Digital Twin?

APM aficionado Mike Brooks shares some of his takeaways from this year's ARC Forum 2021, making the case for using a digital twin to improve efficiency, avoid unplanned incidents and increase profitability.

Executive Brief



Executive Brief

Industrial AI Accelerates Digital Transformation for Capital-Intensive Industries

In light of today’s unprecedented workforce shifts and market volatility, industrial organizations need the capabilities from Industrial AI applications to derive business outcomes and remain relevant. More importantly, Industrial AI as a driver of operational excellence will facilitate the transition to the new business models that will be necessary to compete.

Executive Brief

Промышленный ИИ ускоряет переход на цифровые технологии в капиталоемких отраслях

От руководящих органов до производственных цехов, от удаленных месторождений до комплексных цепочек снабжений, от ветеранов отраслей до венчурных инвесторов нового века - искусственный интеллект (ИИ) является одним из наиболее актуальных направлений бизнеса.

On-Demand Webinar

Reduce OPEX and Risk with Digital Twins

How fast can you respond to ever-changing conditions and still maintain safe, efficient operations with a remote workforce? As oil & gas, midstream and refining companies look for ways to improve efficiency and reduce costs, there are digital strategies that can have an immediate, positive impact.

Executive Brief

The Self-Optimizing Plant: A New Era of Autonomy, Powered by Industrial AI

In today’s VUCA environment, organizations are turning to digitalization and Industrial AI to develop autonomous and semi-autonomous processes that enable new levels of safety, sustainability and profitability. This is where the journey to the Self-Optimizing Plant begins.

Case Study

Empresa Global de Papel e Celulose melhora Produção e Reduz Custos de Manutenção

Uma empresa global de papel e celulose se propôs a prever riscos e aumentar capacidade usando o poder da automação.

Case Study

Compañía de Energía ahorra $6M USD usando un Digital Twin en Performance Engineering

Conozca cómo una importante compañía de energía en Sudamérica utiliza Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating™ y Aspen HYSYS® para modelar y simular el circuito de reboiler y la torre regeneradora. El modelo de Digital Twin identificó una inestabilidad hidráulica en el sistema termosifónico y le permitió ahorrar $6M USD anuales, evitar daños de la torre y sistemas asociados y mucho más.

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